May 16, 2022 11:46:51 GMT 12
via mobile
Post by Fogg on May 16, 2022 11:46:51 GMT 12
Having a clear-out and just found these. Brand new unworn originals back from the days when Zoe first founded Crew. I have a large flag too. I’m torn…
May 18, 2022 17:46:19 GMT 12
Post by GO30 on May 18, 2022 17:46:19 GMT 12
I've got a flag that's probably got it's own frequent flyer account, it's come on a few boating ventures with me overseas.
Hang onto them I reckon. Nostalgia or maybe with the impending death of woke nanaisum they could be worth a few .... I was going to say bucks but I think beers is more likely.